No matter how it’s spelled…

Dialog or Dialogue?

How appropriate that a word describing how two or more people come to an agreement can legitimately be spelled either way.

According to the definitions below, it takes resolve to dialog and resolve, and you can resolve to have dialog, and you can find resolve through dialog. These words, like disagreements, have various legitimate facets.

Definitions in Webster’s 9th
New Collegiate Dictionary:

Dialogue, also Dialog n – 2a: A conversation between two or more persons. . . . b: an exchange of ideas and opinions.

Dialogue, also Dialog vb – to express in dialogue or to take part in dialogue

Resolve n – 1: something resolved: Determination, resolution 2: fixity of purpose

Resolve vb – 1b: to reduce by analysis (~ the problem into simple elements). . . . 4a: to deal with successfully: clear up (~ doubts) (~ a dispute). . . . b: to find an answer to C: to make clear or understandable. . . . 5: to reach a firm decision about. . . . 7: to progress from dissonance to consonance. Definition 7 is my favorite. It applies in music and group function.